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Music Wednesdays, coming up

The past three months have been very eventful, with lots of moving and little time to sit down calmly and work on my solo projects.

I recently finished my first feature film score, which will be released in November (or October for my Patreon supporters) and began a new project writing and performing piano music for yoga lessons, which has been really interesting. I've been writing and playing a lot of music, time restrictions have prevented me from refining the hours worth of new musical ideas I recorded and scribbled away on paper.

However, I'll have time to go over these ideas now, compose some more and produce as much beautiful music as I can. I have more than enough material to set myself the task of hopefully finding some gems hidden in that mountain of raw music. And I want to do things a little differently this time. Instead of working on all pieces in order to release an EP, or even a full album, I want to share each track as they come out of the oven, freshly baked, for all of you. I will be releasing them on a weekly basis either through my website, SoundCloud and mainly through Spotify. Music Wednesdays are coming very soon!

In the meantime go back visit my website's Listening Lounge, where you can listen to some of my music and even buy some of my music if you haven't already. ( Consider supporting me on Patreon to allow me to devote all my attention and dedication to my music. There will be way more surprises available to may faithful supporters.

Like always, share my music with all of your friends if you like what I do, remember to follow me on Spotify, subscribe to my YouTube channel for new upcoming videos.

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